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Offshoring Teams: The Ultimate CEO Guide

Potentiam is a leading offshore service provider and business growth partner - focused  on realising your ambitions through the power of offshore teams.

You will achieve your business revenue goals faster.

You will have twice the funds to invest in business growth

Access to global talent unrestricted by geography

CEO Guide to building offshoring teams eBook on a Tablet

In this eBook, discover: 

How to grow revenue 5x with offshore teams.

Access to a higher calibre of resource within the same or less budget.

 Save senior managers time by reallocating transactional activities.

Tap into superior technical skills globally, unlimited by geography.

Offshoring can release significant free capital for reinvesting into your core business.

Learning from a glance:

Distinguish between different offshore strategies, ensuring the right fit for your business needs. Explore the pros and cons of offshoring.

Move beyond salary savings and discover how offshore capabilities enable increased revenue, higher capabilities, competitiveness, and business transformation.

Explore case studies of companies like Charles Hope International, EnergyQuote JHA, and Evora Global that achieved remarkable success through offshoring.

Woman engaging with her offshoring team
Chris Bennett

Our offshore team has reduced data acquisition and analysis costs while allowing our top consultants to focus on higher-value work. This has enabled us to charge higher fees due to our capabilities in Romania, resulting in a direct impact on our bottom line.

Chris Bennett, Founder, Evora. 

Ben Davis

Potentiam provided an overview of the offshoring market, including pitfalls and factors to consider. They offered strategic advice on building a collaborative team using offshore resources for a holistic solution. Cape Town was our chosen hub for data collection and reporting, expediting insights to our global consultants and allowing them to focus on client relationship development.

Ben Davis, Head of Data and Research Tech, Opinium

Richard Maurin

The positive impact of offshoring on company culture has been remarkable. The team feels a sense of belonging to a larger entity. With diverse international perspectives, the new offshoring model has greatly motivated everyone. At all levels, the staff is qualified, well-trained, and motivated, leading to excellent overall business performance.

CEO, Richard Maurin, Charles Hope International

Case Study

Learn how our founders leveraged offshoring to create a £21m total labour cost saving which played a significant role in multiplying their exit valuation.


Your Offshore Growth Partner 

Offshoring transforms your business. Building offshore teams multiplies your revenues, unlocks innovation, taps into global talent, and enables strategic investments to elevate your business. Our guide offers in-depth insights into offshoring, helping ambitious CEOs grasp their potential and navigate key operational decisions.

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